When is the Best Time to Prune Trees in Virginia?

The ideal time to prune an established tree is during winter, when the tree is in its dormant state. February to March is the best time to trim trees, as cutting them back after the flowers have started to form can limit their flowering potential in spring. Some species, such as maple, walnuts, and birches, can excrete sap when pruned. To avoid this, it is best to prune or trim them when it is colder and the sap isn't as likely to bleed.

Contrary to popular belief, winter is actually an excellent time for tree care jobs, especially pruning and trimming. Trees are inactive during this period and won't waste energy on leaf growth, so you won't interrupt their growth cycle. Furthermore, bare branches are easier to see and handle, and harder soil allows easier access to trees. The best time to prune depends on the type of tree and what you want to achieve.

If your goal is to increase flower production in a tree that blooms in spring, then it will be important to consider the time of year when the tree blooms. If you have just planted a fruit tree or if your tree is quite young, it will be important to properly prune and protect it so that it will grow in the future. When maple trees are pruned during the winter, sap may spring from pruning cuts; however, this generally won't harm a mature tree. It is important to note that every cut has the potential to substantially change the shape of the tree and affect its ability to bloom, so you should always prune according to a plan.

The professionals at Sunrise Landscape and Design are carefully trained to prune trees according to advanced techniques, taking into account the uniqueness of each species of tree. When forestry companies comply with the ANSI pruning standard and make the right cuts with clean equipment, contracting an illness while pruning trees or shortly after should not be a problem for a healthy tree.