Fertilizing Trees After Trimming in Winchester, Virginia: What You Need to Know

Fall is a great time to do some important maintenance in the garden and landscape, and reap the rewards of the coming seasons. When trees are in a state of perspiration, they lose more water than they can absorb through their roots. To ensure your trees are getting the nutrients they need, it's important to apply fertilizer when plants need it and when they can easily absorb nutrients with their roots. Schedule your application to match active root growth and adequate soil moisture.

Trees and shrubs should be fertilized in early spring, and a light fertilizer can be applied in early summer if conditions are conducive to plant growth. Avoid fertilizing drought-stressed trees and shrubs during the summer months. Native trees are the best recommendation, as they are trees that naturally grow well in the environment of certain areas. You can also choose to spray inactive oils, a non-toxic prevention method that seems to work well for apple, plum and pear trees in winter.

If you've noticed dead or dying branches or branches that pose a risk to you, your family, or your home, it's best to contact a JL Tree Service certified arborist for a risk assessment for trees on your property. At this time, deciduous trees and shrubs have lost their foliage during the year, and the active growth of plants and trees has slowed down. The roots of trees and shrubs surround the plant 360 degrees, but the spikes cannot cover that much area, especially on trees. Be sure to prune trees in winter, your dormant season, unless an ISA-certified arborist deems it necessary otherwise.

Fertilizing trees with deep roots works wonders by improving soil aeration, rejuvenating and improving soil structure, reducing soil compaction and providing key nutrients essential to tree health. It usually spreads slightly around the drip line (the perimeter of the trees where the tips of the branches end) of trees. Whether your trees are young or mature, during periods of drought and high temperatures it is important to water them abundantly with a drip irrigation system or a soaker hose. Deep-root fertilization in trees will give them the extra boost they need to overcome certain environmental setbacks that might otherwise fall short.

It's generally only recommended to prune trees during the dormant season; however, if you have dead, dying, or diseased branches on your trees, it's important to remove them as soon as possible. Next, you'll want to establish a solid maintenance tree pruning plan with an ISA-certified arborist.